List of Refereed Papers by Dr Michael J. Forrest
- Spectra of Giant Pulses from a Ruby Laser. D.J. Bradley, A.W. DeSilva, D.E. Evans and M.J. Forrest Nature, Vol. 199, No. 4900,1963.
- Observation of Thomson and Co-operative Scattering of Ruby Laser Light by Plasma. A.W. DeSilva, D.E. Evans and M.J. Forrest. Nature, Vol 203, No. 4952,1964.
- Asymmetric Co-operative Scattered Light Spectrum in a Thetatron Plasma. D.Evans, M.J. Forrest, J. Katzenstein. and M.J. Forrest. Nature, Vol. 212, No. 5057. 1966.
- Co-operative Scattering of Laser Light by a Thetatron Plasma. D.E. Evans, M.J. Forrest, and J. Katzenstein. Nature, Vol. 211, No. 5044. 1966.
- A Ten-Channel Fibre Optic Fabry Perot Fringe Splitter. M. J. Forrest. J.Sci. Inst. Vol. 44. 1967.
- Use of a Bifringent Plate to Control the Spectral Emission of a Ruby Laser L. Circovic, D.E. Evans, M.J, Forrest and J. Katzenstein. Applied Optics. Vol 7, No 5 , 1968.
- Measurement of Electron Temperature by Thomson Scattering in Tokamak T3. N.J. Peacock,D.C. Robinson, M.J.Forrest, P.D. Wilcock and V.V. Sannikov. Nature, Vol.234, No. 5218. 1969.
- Short Dye -Switched Giant Pulse. M.J. Forrest and G. Magyar. Journal Opto-Electronics. 2. 1970.
- A Two Pulse Q-Switched High Power Ruby Laser. D.E. Evans and M.J, Forrest. J.Phys.D. Applied Optics Val. 3. 1970.
- The Measurement of Ion Temperature in the Dense Plasma Focus by Laser Beam Scattering. M.J. Forrest and N.J. Peacock. Plasma Physics Vo1.16. 1974.
- Langmuir Turbulence Excited by CO2 Irradiation of Dense High Temperature Plasma. M.J, Forrest, M.W. Goldman, P.D. Morgan and N.J. Peacock. Phys.Rev.Letters. Vol. 37. No.25. 1975.
- Absorption of CO2 Laser Light by a Dense High Temperature Plasma, N.J. Peacock, M.J. Forrest, P.D. Morgan, M.V. Goldman,, T. Rodolph and A.A. Offenberger. Journal de Physique Vol. 12 No.8 1977.
- Measurement of Magnetic Fields in a Tokamak using Laser Light Scattering. M.J. Forrest, P.G. Carolan and N.J. Peacock. Nature. Vol. 27 No. 5647. 1978.
- A Measurement of the Neutral Hydrogen Density Determined from Balmer - Alpha Fluorescence Scattering in the HBTX 1A Reversed Field Pinch. P.Gohil, G. Kolbe, M.J. Forrest, D.D. Burgess and B.Z.Hu .J.Phys.D. 16. 1983.
- First Experiments in JET. P.H Rebut and JET Team. Nuclear Fusion Vol 25. Sept. 1985.
- Start -up and Initial Operation of JET. K.J. Dietz and the JET Team. J. Nucl.Materials.Vol.128. Dec 1984.
- Impurity Studies and Transport Code Modelling of JET Plasmas. K.H. Behringer et al. Controlled Fusion and Nuclear Fusion Research. Vol. 1985.
- Advances in Laser Fluorescence Scattering with Balmer Series Dye Lasers. D.A. Evans, M. J. Forrest, M.G. Nicolson, D.D. Burgess, P.G. Carolan and P.Gohill. Rev.Sci.Instrum. 56(5) 1985.
- Spectroscopic Measurements on the Joint European Torus using Optical Fibres. P.D. Morgan, K.H. Behringer, P.G. Carolan, M.J. Forrest, N.J. Peacock and M. F. Stamp. Rev.Sci.Instrum. 56 8 62 1985.
- Observation of Zeeman Splitting of Spectral Lines from the JET Plasma. P.G. Carolan, M..J. Forrest, N.J. Peacock and D.L. Trotman. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion .Vol. 27, No.10, 1985.
- Latest Results from JET. R.J. Bickerton and the JET Team. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion .Vol. 29 No.1A. 1986.
- Particle Balance and Wall Pumping in Tokamaks. S.A. Cohen and the JET Team. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Vol. 29 No.10A 1987.
- Spectroscopy of Plasmas with a Multifibre Commutator. .C.A. Bunting, P.G. Carolan, A.R. Field and M.J. Forrest. Rev.Sci.Instrum. 1986.
- Frequency Resolved Multiple k Scattering Diagnostic. R.E. Kirk, M.J. Forrest and N.J. Peacock. Rev.Sci.Instrum. Vol. 57. No.8 1986.
- Impurity Influx Behavior in JET. M.F.Stamp,K.H.Behringer, M.J. Forrest, P.D. Morgan and H.P. Summers. J.Nucl.Mat 145-147, 1987.
- JET - Recent Results and Edge Phenomena. L. De Kock. M.J. Forrest et al. J.Nucl.Mat.145-147, 1987.
- Spectroscopic Measurements of Neutral Hydrogen in a Multipole Plasma H-Source. M.P.S. Nightingale, A.J.T. Holmes,M.J. Forrest and D.D. Burgess. J.Phys.B. 19. 1986.
- Impurity Behaviour in JET. W.W. Englehardt, M.J. Forrest et al. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Vol.28. No.9A. 1986.
- Impurity and Radiation Studies during the JET Ohmic Heating Phase. K.H. Behringer, M.J. Forrest et al. Nuclear Fusion Vol. 26 No.6. 1986.
- Measurement of the Spatial Neutral Deuterium Temperature Distribution in the Reversed Field Pinch by Laser Scattering. M. J. Forrest, D.L. Trotman, R. Bamford. and A. Lazorus. Rev.Sci,Instrum. Vol. 59. No.8. 1988.
- Plasma Performance in JET - Achievements and Projections. The JET Team. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion . Vol 30, No.11 1375. 1988.
- JET Impurity results in Helium Plasmas. K. Behringer, B. Denne, M..J. Forrest, P.D. Morgan and M.F.Stamp. J.Nucl.Mat. 162-163 404 1988.
- Particle Influx in JET Helium plasmas using a rnultichannel visible spectrometer. M.F.Stamp, K.H. Behringer, M.J. Forrest, P.D.Morgan and H.P. Summers. J.Nucl.Mat. 1988.
- High resolution H-Alpha line shape measurements during gas puff experiments on DITE. S.J. Fielding, P.C. Johnson, M.J. Forrest and D. Guildham. J.Nucl.Mat. 1989.
- The CCD Camera as a Multichannel Analyser for the Spectral and Azimuthal Resolution of Fabry-Perot Fringes. C.A. Bunting, P.G. Carolan, M,J. Forrest, P.G. Noonan and A.C. Share. Rev.Sci.Instrumm. Aug. 1988.
- Sputtering Measurements on JET of Impurity Influxes from Localised Surfaces. K. Behringer, B. Denne, M,J. Forrest, H.F, Stamp and H.P. Summers. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Vol. 31. 1989.
- The JET Plasma with Limiter and X-Point Discharge. The JET Team. J.Nuc.Mat. Vol 162-164 1989.
- Proposal to Measure the 'q' Profile on JET by Thomson Scattering. P G. Carolan, M.J. Forrest, C.W. Crowers and P. Neilson. Rev.Sci.Instr. 1990.
- Improved Signal to Noise in Flourescence Scattering by Means of Non-Linear Pumping with a Frequency Modulated Dye Laser. M.J.Forrest and R.Winfield. Rev.Sci.Instr. 63(10). October 1992.
- Interactive optical design and realization of an optimised charge coupled device Thomson scattering system for the Spherical Tokamak START. M.J. Walsh, N..J. Conway, M. Dunstan, M..J. Forrest and R.B. Huxford. Rev.Sci.Instr. Vol 70. No.1. 1999.
- Combined visible and infrared Thomson Smattering on the MAST Tokamak. M.J. Walsh, E.R. Erends, P.G. Carolan, M.R. Dunstan, M.J. Forrest, S.K. Nielson and R. O'Gorman. Rev,Sci.Instr. Vol. 74 No.3. 2003.
- The removal of co-deposited hydrocarbon films from plasma facing components using high-power pulsed flashlamp irradiation. K.J.Gibson, G.F. Counsell, C. Curran, M.J. Forrest, M.J. Kay and K.G. Watkins. J.Nucl.Mat. November 2004.
- Incorporation of fast laser beam shunting and broadband polarises in the MAST Thomson scattering system. M.J. Walsh, P.G. Carolan, A.C. Darke, M.J. Dunstan, M.J. Forrest, R.B. Huxford, R. O'Gorman, K. Peckstead, S.C. Prunty and P. Scannell. Rev.Sci.Instr. 75.3909. 2004.
- Efficacy of photon cleaning of JET divertor tiles. A.Widowson, J.P. Coad, N. Bekris, G. Counsell, M.J. Forrest, K.G. Gibson, D. Hole, J. Likonen, W. Parsons, T. Renvall and M. Rubel. J.Nuc,Mater. 363.341-345 (2007).
The following paper was not refereed but is highly cited (Teller etc) and now a standard Tokamak reference:
Measurement of Plasma Parameters in the Tokamak T3-A by Thomson Scattering M.J. Forrest, N.J. Peacock, D.C. Robinson, V.V. Sannikov and P.D. Wilcock. U.K.A.E.A. Research Group Report CLM-R107. Culham Laboratory. 1970. H.M. Stationery Office.
NOTE. I was listed as an author on all JET papers where the authorship was indicated by 'The JET Team' in the period 1984 to 1990. I have only included JET papers where my data or significant input was used. I have probably missed several 'Proceedings' that have subsequently been refereed and published in Journals.